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babymommysecret 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is Tactel®?




If you’re searching for clothing that combines comfort, easy maintenance, and pleasing aesthetics, items made from Tactel® may be a good choice. This versatile nylon fabric can be found in clothing and accessories for men, women, and children. In fact, Tactel® is rapidly becoming a viable alternative to cotton.由於TACTEL的特性(舒適,易保養,不起縐), 促使TACTEL已經快速的成為棉織品外的另一個選擇.

The name Tactel® is derived from “tacto” – the Latin word for “touch.” Tactel® is a special type of nylon that was first introduced as a unique product in 1983. It was originally used in manufacturing ski apparel, but designers quickly discovered the fabric offered benefits for other types of garments as well. Today, you can find Tactel® in everything from office attire to women’s lingerie. Marks & Spencer is one example of a popular fashion designer that regularly uses this lightweight nylon in its products.

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